Prime with a slurry scratch coat/key coat by mixing Davco 751 with cement and fine sand at 1:1:1 ratio.
Apply a thin coat to form key coat and leave it to dry before applying subsequent layers of plaster.
By hand
The material from the bucket or wheelbarrow is applied with a masonry spatula/trowel directly to the wall surface by throwing and not pressing too hard like conventional plaster. The applied material is smoothed with a long aluminium slat. Leave the prepared surface to dry.
First, spread a thin (approximately 3-4 mm) contact layer to serve as an adhesive bridge. In this way, the surface will be cleaned of dust. Leave this thin layer to dry before applying next layer. Continue to apply Sikatherm®-611 Render in maximum layers of 4-5cm until the desired thickness is reached. Necessary hardening time between layer applications must be observed. Depending on weather conditions, setting may take 6 to 24 hours.
By plastering machine
The pre-mixed material is poured into the tank of the plastering machine. First, spread a thin (approximately 3-4 mm) contact layer. Additional layers are sprayed after drying, typically the next day or 6-24 hours depending on weather conditions, whereby maximum layer of 4-5 cm is advised per one layer. The last layer is finished with a foam smoothener in crinkle direction. This process provides a hard and completely smooth surface. Leave the prepared surface to dry.
Smoothening of the Surface and Final layers
The final stage is to level and smooth the surface, but this can only be done when the material has hardened. Hardening time may take approx. 24 to 72 hours, depending on weather conditions. For any surface unevenness, sandpaper can be used to level the surface if necessary.
For protective or final layer: Apply a layer of SikaWall®-178 if necessary. Sika/ Davco Waterproofing products can be added if needed. Such additional layers can be applied after the final layers have been cured for 7 days.