Application on to fresh concrete
Placing of Concrete
The concrete is placed and compacted in the normal manner. It is then trowelled or floated.
Thoroughly mix Sika® Rugasol® G with water (Sika® Rugasol® G : water = 1:2). The solution obtained is stable.
Immediately after the bleed water has disappeared from the concrete and before setting has started, spray diluted Sika® Rugasol® G directly on the concrete surface with a minimum pressure of 3 bars. It is essential that a uniform rate of coverage be achieved.
Note: Diluted Sika® Rugasol® G should never be applied to the formwork.
After initial cure of the concrete has taken place (up to 24 hours in warm weather) the soft cement laitance on the surface can be washed, brushed or water-jetted away to reveal the exposed aggregate.
Note: The depth of exposure can vary depending on the cement content of the concrete, ambient temperature, the amount of Sika® Rugasol® G and the time it is left on the concrete surface before removal. However, an etch depth of 4 mm is normal. Preliminary trials are recommended.
Application on to formwork surface
Sika® Rugasol® G is supplied ready-to-use for this application and should not be diluted.
Formwork should be clean and free from any form release agent. Sika® Rugasol® G shall be applied with a brush. A thorough and uniform rate of coverage is required to achieve a uniform and even depth of etch. Sika® Rugasol® G should be protected from direct sunlight after application. It is necessary that the layer of Sika® Rugasol® G dry completely before concreting takes place. While drying, Sika® Rugasol® G shall be protected from water and rain.
For optimum results, forms or moulds should be removed as soon as possible after the concrete has gained sufficient strength; normally 24 to 48 hours in warm weather. Wash, brush or water-jet the surface to reveal the exposed aggregate. Some of the soft cement paste will adhere to the forms when the mould is stripped. This can be removed easily from both the formwork and the concrete while still soft by washing and brushing. Always clean moulds immediately after stripping as the soft cement paste will soon harden.